Is It Time to Replace Your Old Furnace? 4 Signs

As the weather turns chilly, you’ll be relying on your heater or furnace to keep your home toasty. Unfortunately, if you have a particularly old furnace, you might get left in the cold. How can you tell whether you need a furnace replacement or whether you’ll make it through one more winter with a little maintenance and furnace repair?
Look for these four signs that it’s time for a heater replacement.
1. Your House Is Always Too Cold
An old furnace or heater will have difficulty keeping up with the demands of your thermostat. If your house has always had an issue with warming up, your furnace might just be too small for the space. But if it’s only recently begun to fail at its job, that’s a sign that something’s amiss.
You may also notice that some rooms are warmer than others. Uneven heating is another sign that your furnace can’t push heat throughout the house. For a quick fix, you can try some troubleshooting. The first thing to check if this happens is the filter. You may find the problem goes away once you put in a new one.
If you’re still getting cold air, then the furnace may simply not be able to produce heat anymore.
2. Your Furnace Is 15 Years Old or Older
The surest sign you need a furnace or heater replacement is that your system is 15 to 20 years old. No matter how much maintenance you do, your system has a finite lifespan. This means that your furnace could be putting out lovely, toasty warm air one day and completely quit the next. When an aged system is the problem, the only solution is a new furnace or heater installation.
Why is an old furnace a problem? Eventually, you’ll be putting more money into repairs than the cost of a new system. At that point, it makes sense to just install a new furnace rather than dump cash into the old one.
3. Your Air Quality Is Poor
Even with fresh filters, old furnaces will produce more dust. While air purifiers can help, the best solution is to address the furnace itself. Still, no purifier can remove the most dangerous output of an old furnace: carbon monoxide.
Old systems are at risk of producing this odorless, colorless gas. And it’s not just a mere annoyance; carbon monoxide is deadly in high amounts.
4. Your Power Bills Are Higher
Efficiency decreases with age, and this will become especially noticeable with a failing furnace or heater. To produce the same amount of heat, the furnace will have to work much harder than it has before, and you’ll see this reflected in your utility bills.
Get Ahead of Winter — Trust Southern Air to Replace Your Furnace
If your furnace is giving up, Southern Air is here to the rescue! We’ll inspect your system to see if it just needs tuning up or if you need a wholesale replacement.
Trust our experienced techs to ensure you can maintain comfy temps all winter long. Contact Southern Air before your furnace leaves you in the cold!
Meet Dustin
Dustin Caison serves as both the President and CEO of Southern Air, a family-owned business founded in 1980 and based in Palatka, Florida. As the third generation to lead the company, Dustin has dedicated over 21 years to continuing the legacy of excellence established by his father and grandfather.
A State Certified Air Conditioning Contractor, Dustin brings extensive expertise and professionalism to the HVAC industry. Under his leadership, Southern Air has maintained its commitment to delivering quality service and fostering strong ties with the Palatka community. His dedication and credentials have been key to the company’s ongoing success.
An avid outdoorsman, Dustin loves spending time with his family and friends hunting, fishing, and golfing when he has time. He is also deeply involved in his local community, serving at his church, Rodeheaver Boys Ranch, the Putnam County Fair Board, and A Women’s Resource Center.Dustin places great importance on taking care of his people and building strong relationships with his employees. He believes that with a dedicated team, strong business practices, and a focus on continuous growth, any business can achieve remarkable success.
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